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Initial consultation

The initial consultation is an appointment for making contact and orienting the case. It takes place in person at the Marigot office or by videoconference.

Question of local / national law: €250 excl. tax (€260 incl. tax)

Question of international law: €350 excl. tax (€364 incl. tax)


The content of the assignment and the terms and conditions of the firm's involvement are defined in a fee agreement.

Time-based fees

Time-based fees are the firm's main billing method.

The hourly rate is set by mutual agreement, having regard in particular to the nature and difficulty of the case, the importance of the interests involved, the foreseeable research work, the working language, the impact of the firm's costs and charges, the reputation, qualifications, seniority, experience and specialization of the lawyer(s) involved, and your financial situation.

Whenever possible, we provide you with an estimate of the anticipated time spent during the initial consultation.

Fees based on results

In order to align our interests with yours, we generally propose an additional fee based on the outcome of the case, in the form of a percentage of the gain or saving achieved (generally between 10 and 20%).

This fee is determined according to the benefits and results obtained, as well as the service rendered.

Fees and disbursements

Fixed fee for opening a file: €250 excl. tax (€260 incl. tax) - includes 2h30 of secretarial services.

Fees and disbursements are generally paid directly to the third parties concerned. In exceptional cases, the firm may advance them, up to the amount of the retainer paid.

If travel to a neighboring island proves necessary, fixed rates are generally offered.

Retainer and payment

At the end of the initial consultation meeting, if we decide to work together, we will call for a retainer based on the anticipated working time. We are officially engaged when the fee agreement is signed and the retainer is paid in full.

Payment must be made upon receipt of the invoice. If payment is overdue by more than 30 days, contractual late payment charges and interest apply. 


Subject to possible conflicts of interest, we regularly provide postulation in Saint-Martin for colleagues practicing outside the jurisdiction.

Simple postulation fee: €1,500 excl. tax (€1,560 incl. tax) per procedure, fees and disbursements not included.

Additional ancillary proceedings (e.g. incident): €500 excl. tax (€520 inc. tax) per proceeding.

Pleadings and their preparation are billed by the hour, in addition.

Disputes resolution

In the event of disagreement, either you or we may decide to terminate the assignment at no additional cost. In this case, any work already carried out will be billed at the agreed hourly rate. 

Our fee agreements and the legal effects arising from them are generally subject to French law and French courts.

In accordance with the provisions of articles L. 612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, you may, in the event of a dispute with a lawyer, have free recourse to the Consumer Mediator, who is the national mediator for the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB) and whose contact details are as follows:

Carole Pascarel, consumer mediator for the legal profession
Postal address : CNB, 180 boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris
Email address :
Website :

You can also contact the President of the Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy Bar.
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